Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Brad Womack is such a Tool-

So I was watching the finale of The Bachelor last night and I was so excited that Brad was going to pick DeAnna. I cannot believe what he did, he started his speech and basically told her that he wasn't going to make her any false promises and said he had to tell her goodbye too. I was shocked. Was he planning to do that the whole time? Anyway I hope that he explains things on the show tonight because that was just not cool. Okay I'll move on from TV. McKenna is getting so big, she can basically sit up by herself and she loves it. Chris brought his huge keyboard to the floor to let her play it and she was so excited especially when she accidentally turned on different beats. I'm trying to think of anything else interesting to say and I can't so I hope that everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving:)

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Halloween Fun

I am so happy Halloween finally arrived:) We handed out so much candy this year in our new neighborhood, probably three times the amount of last year. We took some pictures of McKenna right before the trick or treaters started coming because she looked so adorable in her little kitty costume. She did miss most of the excitement though because she went to bed at 6:30. So am I the only person watching Dancing with the Stars? I was sad that Sabrina left because I thought she was the best one. Also, ANTM was not a new show last night it was a recap, I don't like when they do stuff like that it is such a let down. I know I probably watch way too much T.V. Anyway I hope everyone has a wonderful day and hopefully soon I will be able to post some pics of McKenna sitting all the way up by herself she is so close-