Thursday, March 12, 2009


I have decided that I need to start blogging about the funny things that McKenna is doing right now because I will not remember them in the future I am sure. The other day I was calling for Chris because he was outside and I said his name like 3 times. He was not out front so I went in the backyard to look for him. McKenna was with me the whole time of course and before I could say his name out back McKenna started yelling out "Chris" "Chris." It was so funny and she did it again today. When she found him it was followed by a very excited "Hi Daddy." I seriously need to get if captured on film because it was so funny. Also today we were out the park and the kids from the neighborhood kept getting popsicles and ice cream cups from a neighbor girl. Well McKenna started saying "opsicle." A neighbor boy was nice enough to go and get her one and she thought it was the best thing ever. I wish I had my camera with me because it was one of those red,white and blue bullet pops and she was filthy. Her hand and shirt was covered in a sticky blue substance and she just kept pointing to the red part and saying red and then pointing to the blue part and saying blue. She was the filthiest she has ever been-apparently I don't let her get dirty enough, although, I am sure that will be changing since she has to have her shoes off at the park all of the time now. I don't know what we are going to do this summer when it is so hot because she begs to go outside:(


Jeni Everett said...

A barefoot little one at the park-so cute. Katie did the same thing and everytime she went to the park we took a bath right after. What can you do, it makes them happy.

Lisa said...

My girls called their daddy by his name too when they were younger. Once in awhile they'll do it again but just to be funny.

jill s said...

she is SO stinking cute melissa!!

♥ Natalie said...

You are so good for writing down a few of the cute things she is doing and saying these days. I laughed about that Red, White, and Blue Popsicle.... I bet she was adorable saying the colors. And probably even cuter a big blue mess!! ;)

Jenny said...

She is soo very cute! We go to the park every Weds. in Finley Farms-- you should come over sometime. Tons of barefoot, sandy kids..a few of them named Makenna or McKenna. SHe will fit right in!:) Seriously what will we do in the summertime?

Chelle said...

Good idea to write the cute stuff she does down on the blog...that's what I'm trying to do too. B/c it's amazing how fast you forget! I wrote down stuff Siena did at 18 mos and it was so fun to read b/c I'd totally forgotten stuff she said and did! McKenna is the most darling thing. So are you guys getting baby hungry for #2?? :)